
My journey homeschooling my son

Archive for the category “Nature Study”

Nature Study – We Are Failing

Like many I embrace the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling; with a few personal tweaks of course. One thing we consistently fail at is Nature Studies. I embrace the idea of them, but we just haven’t done them. Sometimes I chalk it up to lack of interest, being too busy with everything else, laziness, etc. I think it just comes down to I need a little kick in the butt push! For me this comes in the form of personal accountability and making something a habit. How, you ask, can that be done? Well thankfully with the resources available it is easier than you think.

  1. Desire – you have to have the interest and a little desire. Notice I said little – the desire will grow as you get into it and realize how great it is for your family.
  2. Accountability – this can come in many forms. For me it will be this blog, adding it to our daily school schedule and this great download on 21 days to becoming… compliments of the great Mama Jenn and her blog.
  3. Inspiration – this can be your child, reading one of your favorite Charlotte Mason books or simply reading a new article or book or blog. For me it was this book I heard about… Fifteen Minutes Outside. The book shares a small activity for outside – 365 days a year, broken down by months. I have skimmed through the off-season months and devoured the summer months. Of course we won’t do every activity she is suggesting, but we will do most. Now you’ve looked at the book and you are probably wondering how is just simply getting outside going to help me do Nature Studies?
  4. Being Outside – You have to start somewhere right? For us making outside together time a part of our daily routine was the problem!! So, now we are outside, that is a step in the right direction.
  5. Recording – I plan to just happen to have the boys Nature Journal in my bag and whip it out for a quick “hey, look at that cloud, what does it look like? Can you draw that?” The next time – hey look at that bug, tree, grass, flower, bird, etc. Just getting into the groove of being outside and actually seeing nature.
  6. Follow-up – When we come back inside we will look up said bug, tree, flower, bird, etc. in our field guides and on the internet.
  7. Plan – After a couple of months we may be able to actually follow a Nature Study pro and have more seasonal plans and activities – but we need to start small to have success.

I’ll keep you posted on how we do!

What subjects do you think you are “failing” at? Share with us in the comments. Any plans to “fix” it? Would you like to guest post here at “Teaching My Heart”? Just e-mail me and I’ll tell you what to do.

tadpoles in the pond in our backyard

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